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Audrey Tang & Glen Weyl

Taiwan’s 1st Digital Minister & Founder of RadicalxChange
Plurality: The Future of Technology and Democracy

Thursday, 15 August 2024

The National Press Club of Australia

Audrey Tang, Taiwan’s 1st Digital Minister & Glen Weyl, Founder of RadicalxChange, will Address the National Press Club of Australia on "Plurality: The Future of Technology and Democracy"

The ground-breaking collaborative work Plurality shares the secrets behind Taiwan’s world-leading digital democracy, showing how to overcome polarization, misinformation, and political apathy.

Audrey Tang: From student protestor to the world’s first non-binary minister to global advocate for democracy and shaper of the future of TikTok, Audrey is a world-respected technologist and thinker.

E. Glen Weyl is a political economist, social innovator and founder of RadicalxChange Foundation, the Plurality Institute, and Microsoft Research’s Plural Technology Collaboratory.

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