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Senator Patrick Dodson

Senator for WA & Special Envoy for Reconciliation and Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart
Address to the National Press Club of Australia

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

The National Press Club of Australia

Patrick Dodson, Senator for WA & Special Envoy for Reconciliation and Implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart will Address the National Press Club of Australia. 

Join us at the National Press Club of Australia for a hybrid event, as Patrick Dodson joins the National Press Club in conversation from the ABC studios in WA. Journalists, corporate partners, members, and guests will watch and asks questions of Senator Dodson from the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra.

Patrick Dodson is a Yawuru man from Broome in Western Australia. He has dedicated his life work to being an advocate for constructive relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples based on mutual respect, understanding and dialogue. He is a recipient of the Sydney International Peace prize.

Patrick has extensive experience in Aboriginal Affairs, previously as Director of the Central and Kimberley Land Councils and as a Commissioner in the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. He also served as inaugural Chair of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation and as Co-Chair of the Expert Panel for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians.

Prior to his endorsement by the Australian Labor Party as a Western Australian Senator in March 2016, Patrick was a member of the ANU Council, Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame (Broome) and Co-Chair of the National Referendum Council.

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