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Taryn Brumfitt

Australian of the Year 2023
A new era: Changing how we feel, think and talk about our bodies

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

The National Press Club of Australia

Taryn Brumfitt, Australian of the Year 2023, will Address the National Press Club of Australia in partnership with Women in Media, on 'A new era: Changing how we feel, think and talk about our bodies'. 

Documentary director Taryn Brumfitt leads the Body Image Movement, an Adelaide-based organisation that teaches people to love and appreciate their bodies. Her 2016 documentary Embrace tackled the serious issue of women’s body loathing and Taryn’s path to body acceptance. It was seen by millions of people in 190 countries and is available on Netflix.  

Taryn has written four best-selling books. She released a documentary, Embrace Kids, in September 2022 that aims to teach nine- to 14-year-olds to move, nourish, respect and appreciate what their bodies can do.  

She has collaborated with body image expert Dr Zali Yager to create an Embrace Kids companion parenting book. They have also created the Embrace Hub – a free, research-based resource for teachers, parents, children, and communities on fostering body positivity.  

Taryn’s work has reached more than 200 million people. She is an internationally recognised keynote speaker whose work is recognised by UN Women.  



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