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Kate Pounder

CEO, Tech Council of Australia
What's Next for Post-Pandemic Australia – Challenges, Threats and Opportunities in 2023

Wednesday, 15 February 2023

The National Press Club of Australia

Kate Pounder, CEO of the Tech Council of Australia, will make her Address to the National Press Club of Australia on “What's Next for Post-Pandemic Australia – Challenges, Threats and Opportunities in 2023”

What trends will shape Australia in a post-pandemic world. Kate Pounder, CEO of The Tech Council of Australia will discuss the opportunity for Australia to reclaim its agency in defining our country’s future. What technological, economic and political forces will shape Australia as we examine the challenges, threats and huge opportunity for Australia in 2023 and beyond? And how can we best position Australia to take advantage of them?

Kate is an experienced tech policy expert and senior executive who has worked across the public, private and non-profit sectors. She is the CEO of the Tech Council of Australia, the peak body representing the Australian tech sector.

Before her time in consulting, she spent 15 years working in technology policy roles with the Australian Industry Group, National ICT Australia (NICTA), Network Ten, and the Federal Government. Kate is passionate about growing Australia's tech sector, creating new jobs and businesses, and helping all Australian businesses make the most of tech adoption.

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