Members are advised that the 61st Annual Meeting of National Press Club of Australia Incorporated will be held on Friday 29 November 2024 at 11:00 AM at the National Press Club, 16 National Circuit, Barton, A.C.T.
- Confirmation of the minutes of the last annual general meeting.
- To receive from the Directors, reports on the activities of the Club during the last preceding club year.
- To consider and if thought fit, adopt as an ordinary resolution the Annual Financial Report, Directors Report & Auditors Report for the year ended June 30, 2024;
- Declaration of the results of the election of office bearers and board members of the club;
- The appointment of auditors;
- The consideration, and adoption of ordinary or special resolutions, of which proper notice has been given:
The Board is recommending that the following resolution be considered by the meeting as a Special Resolution of the Club:
“That Anthony Melville be elected as an honorary life member of the Club for his distinguished service as a former club treasurer and director of the Club.”
- General Business
At this election, there are five Director positions available and one position of President.
Please note that candidates, their proposers or seconders all must be financial and hold a class of membership that is eligible to vote.
Nomination forms are available from the Chief Executive.
Unfinancial members are ineligible to vote or nominate.
If the number of nominations exceeds the positions available election ballot papers and voting procedure information will be communicated to eligible voting members.
Completed forms and candidate statements must be lodged by 6pm Monday 4 November 2024.
By order of the Board
Maurice Reilly
Chief Executive